Tilda Oake

Though the fire runs through her blood and the tellings of her very heritage are displayed proudly upon her skin, this mercenary-turned-businesswoman has taken to the games of Ul'dah like a fish in water- and she is making the ripples to match. A classic tale of rags to riches it would seem, and yet one would not be faulted for suspecting that there is more going on beneath the surface. How did she suddenly garner so much wealth? And most importantly, where will that money go now?

Tilda appears to be a professional socialite by trade, but her fighting spirit has never quite left her. She is drawn to her heritage like a moth to a flame- though one could only speculate what it is she is trying to uncover, exactly.


Dignified - Charming - Restrained - Adamant - Sharp - Loyal

With tan skin and hard to tame hair, it isn't hard to pinpoint Tilda as a former denizen of Gyr Abania. Her pale mane stands in stark contrast with her complexion, and is always pulled up into a graceful ponytail. Though she is tall, she is not quite as robust as many of her other Highlander kin. She looks like she is most likely in her late twenties.

Perhaps true to her heritage, her arms and shoulders display an array of tattoos that carry up to her neck. Most notable are her hands, the backs of which display a tattoo of a moth accompanied by fire and smoke. On the left side of her face, along her cheekbone, she likewise sports a tattoo that seems to depict a trail of smoke. Her facial features are sleek - almost sharp - and her prominent nose is accompanied by full lips.

Tilda's clothes often seem well-made, and at times even eleborate. The distinction between casual and fancy wear does not seem to hold much meaning for her- as such, spotting her in the latter will be a much more common sight. She appears to have a preference towards long sleek dresses of a deep burgundy color, and is prone to wearing them even the most unsuitable of situations.

RP Hooks

I am open to pursuing all sorts of RP with this character. Though I have a love for darker themed stuff and conflict, I am more than happy to give other things a try. Both antagonists and friends are welcome, so definitely don't feel afraid to reach out if any of these hooks stick out to you!

Though Tilda has left her days of being a sellsword behind her, she still seems very much involved in the business.

People in the field may be familiar with the Ardent Brave Collective, a web of several mercenary companies that she manages and occasionally sends off on missions out of her own pocket.

New Old Money:
Though the Ardent Brave Collective was borne from a long-standing mercenary company, one has to wonder how a simple mercenary leader obtained enough funds to acquire eight other companies to operate under its' banner.

Though Ms. Oake is known as a thaumaturge of considerate power, she is notably unaffiliated with Ul'dah's Thaumaturge Guild.

Despite this fact she is known to have a passion for the craft- enough to spark some reputation, at least.

Liberty or Death:
Tilda's heritage is no secret, and neither is her wish of seeing her people rise back onto their feet after two decades of ruthless occupation.

A perceptive soul or two may note that she does not only have a keen interest in Ala Mhigo's future, however, but also in its past.

The Moth:
In the effort to reclaim the fallen city state of Ala Mhigo, a free company by the name of the Ardent Brave fought valiantly under the banner of the Immortal Flames. They were led by a ruthless thaumaturge with a penchant for fire- a trait which earned her the nickname 'Moth'.

Whether it be friend or foe - those who found themselves tangled up in the conflict may have heard of her exploits.

The Ledger:
Tilda has seen an immense amount of suffering at the hands of Garlemald, but in her years upon the battlefield she has been sure to return it twofold.

While some may see her actions as heroic, those from the other side of the conflict may not share that opinion.


When it comes to roleplay I am mostly interested in writing a story together. I am looking for scenes with meaningful interaction that will leave an impression on my character, and will obviously try to offer the same in return. With that kept in mind, I am still finding my footing within FFXIV and its' lore, so my apologies in advance if my knowledge is lacking.

I am open to (and experienced with) all kinds of scenes, including RP with dark themes and undertones, which I admittedly have a love for. Romance and mature RP is fine, so long as it develops organically through character interactions.

Communication is important to me, especially where it concerns more sensitive subjects. I trust my roleplaying partners to let me know if I'm crossing any lines, and will do the same in return. The only thing I really require a heads up about is actions that would remove my character from future scenes for a longer time, as well as roleplay altering maiming (like losing a hand, for example) or potential of character death. I am quite happy to roll with most situations regardless, so definitely don't shy away from bringing any of these things up with me!

The strict separation of IC and OOC is very important to me. My characters aren't always necessarily kind or morally upright, but their views in no way reflect my own. The same principle goes for any character relationships! While I'm always happy to make friends I am not looking for any sort of OOC romance.

I live in Europe, so my play times generally range from 1 pm to about 9 pm EST. I am open to finishing scenes in Discord as well, but do like to keep interactions in game as much as possible!

Feel free to contact me through discord (Setah#2068) or ingame if you're interested in pursuing a scene with Tilda.